beef curtains noun, US, 1998
• —Paul Baker, Polari 2002

camel toe
noun, US, 1994
the condition that exists when a tight-fitting pair
of trousers, shorts, bathing-suit or other
garment forms a wedge or cleft between a
woman’s labia, accentuating their shape
• Camel lips, an offensive name from the ’50s
when women wear their pants too tight.
Also known as camel toes. The pants were
designed to capitalize on that. — USA Today
12th April 1994

fanny lip noun, UK, 2002
the vaginal lips; the labium majora or minora
• Flap dancin’ I call it ’cos if you’re lucky they
give you the full two sets of fanny lips even
though they in’t s’posed to[.] —Ben Elton,
High Society 2002

piss flaps noun, AUSTRALIA, 1985
the vaginal lips
• [N]aked, her breasts pendulous and flabby,
her legs spread, her piss flaps all red and
hairy and wet[.] —Lisa Jewell, Labia Lobelia
[Tart Noir] 2002

pussy lips noun, US, 1969
• Ugh. All that hair. Then my pussy lips be
black. —Alice Walker, The Color Purple